11:00 PM Victoria - Hotel - Dinner was pretty interesting. I had a plate of beef tenderloin that was, to my standards, pretty slim. I got to know three teachers from Michigan and the obligatory chitchat ensued. We were broken into tables of 4 but it seemed that whenever I had a story to tell or something to say about UF or myself everyone in the nearby tables would start listening in. I don't see myself as an engaging storyteller or anything (except when volunteering at schools) but it was freaky. After that, the funniest thing happened as we returned to our bus. Everyone was staring at a hooker umm.... waiting around a couple yards away. Sure enough, everyone, from the safety of our bus started cracking jokes. As we all watched, guys would walk up to her every now and then. "Haha! Look at them!" "I bet his wife wouldn't approve!" + 100 more jokes (yeah, they were pretty funny) till she left with someone. The tour guide walked onto the bus. "Okay. Now how many of you guys were solicited on the way here?" Hands flew up (remember, these are old men). Hilarious.